Farm to Fork - Community Lunch

Community Meal Each Month in Yanceyville

Did you know you can enjoy a free “farm to fork” community meal here in Caswell county every month?
The Caswell County Local Foods Council (CCLFC) serves lunch the 2 nd Wednesday of every month, 11:30
to 1:30, in the kitchen (basement) of Agriculture Extension Building, 126 Court Square, Yanceyville, NC.
CCLFC supports local food growers, a local food economy, eating well and healthy community.

Gathering the community around table for a menu driven by vegetables in season and purchased from
local growers (as much as possible), acquaints people with the exceptional flavors of fresh local produce
and inspires eating well while getting to know our neighbors better. The recipes for the lunch menu are
printed on each diner’s placement which they take home. One or more food growers often host a “pop-
up” market at the lunch where diners can meet the growers and purchase produce.

These gatherings are lively with conversation. Some locals plan small meetings and the lunch is
provided. Others invite or plan to meet friends there. Many come alone and always find someone they
know or someone they enjoy meeting. Workers in the area come for their lunch breaks. If you know
someone who is hungry, invite them. ALL are welcome at the table!

So mark your calendars, phone calendars too, (set up “reminders”!) for the 2 nd Wednesday every month
and come join the community for lunch. Lunches are on these days: July 10, August 14 and September
11 and so forth on 2 nd Wednesdays of every month.

See you there! #EatwellinCaswell

The Caswell Ag Chat is a weekly snap shot regarding various aspects of agriculture in Caswell County.
We’d like to have different perspectives, highlight different farmers in Caswell as well as fold in those
farm owners involved in agritourism in order to highlight ‘all things agriculture’ in our beautiful county.
Our number one economic driver here is agriculture and as we transition from the larger row crops of
tobacco, that are still critical to our county, we would like to keep the citizens of the county aware of
how much we have to offer to those who make all types of farming their career choice. 

As published in The Caswell Messenger - Ag Chat - July 3, 2019

Written by AC Hodges